How To Sync 2 Macs With Ableton


This is the way to create wireless midi sync between two or more ableton lives. Supercool for playing live and improvising. Alright, this is a bit crummy since I actually can't show you this with two computers. But hopefully when you have two computers in front of you this will make some kind of sense. Apr 29, 2015  Step 1: Get conneted either via Ethernet or WIFI (ad hoc network preferred) Step 2: connect via the audio midi setup to the other persons computer Step 3: In. Skip navigation Sign in.

Ableton Live How To

4th May 2010
Gear Guru

I've done this before, and I can figure it out - just hoping someone here can save me a few hours.
I want to SLAVE my Mac Pro tower running PTLE 003R (with Logic, Live, Reason) from my PC running Sonar w/ a RME 9652 card and various USB to Midi interfaces.
Currently from inside Sonar on the PC I am transmitting MTC/MMC via USB Midi to a Novation SL-Zero which then transmits the midi via a standard midi cable into the PT 003R where I can see the clocking sync on the front panel.
From there, getting the software on the Mac Pro Tower to recognize and respond to the incoming midi sync is the issue.
I'll take feedback on Pro-Tools 8, Logic 9, Live 8 and Reason 4.
I feel like I'm overlooking one obvious sub menu dialog check box to get it all to work...
Hey yall
I hope I posted this in the right place... the forums have changed since I was last here.
I am attempting to connect two PC laptops together through the wired LAN (or whatever is best) and use Ableton on each computer, but share one audio interface. Here is my setup:
PC1: M-Audio Keystation 49 midi controller -> Compaq laptop -> Ableton 8.2.2
PC2: APC40 -> M-Audio Fast Track Pro audio interface -> ASUS laptop -> Ableton 8.2.2

UPDATE: Soon I will be getting Push and the new Ableton 9, so hopefully anything that you help me with will be transferable to the new Ableton 9. And if it is possible to get (2) separate PCs with (2) separate instances of Ableton hooked up into one audio interface, then then I would like to buy a new Tascam interface instead of using the Fast Track.
I have seen two popularized methods for obtaining what I want to do... I have those two methods listed below and errors I have come across with them. If anyone has a better method or software to use then I would be all ears to hear it, but please be as detailed as possible with explanations or links to explanations.
Heres what I have done....
Step 1)
1. Required software
Windows XP - Because the version of MIDIoverLANPlus I used only runs on XP, newer versions of this software should run without problems on newer Windows versions and even on mac.
Ableton Live - Tested and working on versions 7 and 8.
Musiclab MIDIoverLANPlus 1.1.112 - This tool is used to transfer the midi signal over the network, and provide a local virtual midi port for the computer running the clock. Newer versions work as well, but setting them up is a bit different but. It's a shame I couldn't find a free solution instead of Musiclabs software. They have fully functional 30 day trials though.
The freeware ethernetmidi tool does not work, even though it gets mentioned a lot in threads about midisyncing over lan.
Update: I found a free tool that promises to provide the same functionality as MIDIoverLANPlus. Will test and post results.Wac.NetworkMIDI (v1.2)
MIDI-OX - This tool is used to send a midi-timecode (mtc) signal to both computers. Freely available at:
2. Configuring MIDIoverLANPlus
Install this software on both computers, reboot them both. Then start the configuration utility from the windows control panel. One computer will send the midi signal (pc1) and one will be receiving a midi signal (pc2).
On pc1, setup at least one local pipe (this is used to send the mtc from MIDI-OX to Live) and at least one MIDI to LAN port. You can leave the buffer and port settings at defaults.
On pc2, setup at least one MIDI from LAN port. Make sure you use the same port as on pc1.
Apply the settings and close the configuration utility.
3. Configuring MIDI-OX
Install this software on pc1 only. Via Options>MIDI devices add the needed MIDI outputs. I used LAN-Out 00 and Pipe-Out 00.
4. Configuring Ableton Live
Make sure the MIDIoverLANPlus configuration utility is running before Live is started, otherwise Live may not recognize the ports you need to configure. This took me forever to find out.
Open the midi settings via Options>Preferences>MIDI Sync.
On pc1, enable sync for Pipe-In 0, track and remote functions should be disabled.
On pc2, enable sync for LAN-In 00, track and remote functions should be disabled.
On both computers set sync type to MIDI Timecode, set MTC Frame Rate at 30 fps. MIDI Clock Sync Delay should be on 0 ms for now, this will be adjusted later.
Close Ableton Live on both computers.
5. Configuring local network
I had the best results using a crossover lan cable between both computers. This provides you with <1 ms network latency. Setup manual IP's on both pc's, for example and, subnetmask
Being connected to a wireless network at the same time resulted in MIDIoverLANPlus not functioning anymore, so just turn it off.
Firewalls should be disabled (since you are working on a local network it probably won't hurt you), or at least make exceptions on both computers for the port MIDIoverLANPlus needs.
6. Actual usage instructions
After setting up the things mentioned above, reboot both computers to be sure MIDIoverLANPlus driver is loaded correctly with the new settings (yes, I do like to reboot when doing things like this).
Now, on pc1 one start the MIDIoverLANPlus configuration utility, and just leave it open. Also start MIDI-OX.
On pc2 also start the MIDIoverLANPlus configuration utility.
In MIDI-OX open View/Generate MIDI Time Code, set it at 30 fps with accuracy set to 5 ms. Start the clock before starting Live.
Open Live on both computers now. Click the EXT button in the upper left corner on both computers. You should now be receiving a time code signal.
This signal runs at fixed bpm, the trick to get it working at your desired bpm value is having the clock running before starting Ableton Live, then enable external sync on both computers (as mentioned above).
Now stop the clock in MIDI-OX, but leave the program open. Set bpm at the right value on both computers and start the clock in MIDI-OX again. Both computers should now be receiving time code and play at the correct bpm.
Any mixer can be used to combine the audio signals from pc1 and pc2, I used a third computer for it. Find a solution that works for you.
It's time to get things running in sync now. This involves a bit of playing with latency values. First I made sure that the various latency related settings for the sound cards on pc1 and pc2 were set identical.
On pc2, leave the MIDI Clock Sync Delay at 0 ms. Get a metronome playing on both computers. Adjust MIDI Clock Sync Delay on pc1 until both metronomes are playing in sync, for me 24,5 ms works perfect.

Step 2) ... -sync.html
Step 3) ... -sync.html

It seems that both of those methods contain some flaws, whether it outdated software, incompatible settings, unnecessary utilities, or the lack of a tutorial that details some specific settings that look to be important. At this point I have followed all steps to a T in the best that I could, and the farthest I got was to have both computers recognized via the network, with both of the Abletons responding to the overall master clock.... but I couldnt get the slave computer to send any midi sounds to the master computer, and I couldnt figure out how to get those midi sounds to play on the master PC even if they were received.
Also... can audio be transferred this way?? Cause I cant seem to find out how that is possible.

How To Sync 2 Macs With Ableton Download

I am pretty much running an ethernet cable into both computers, and I used MIDI-OX, MIDI-YOKE, and WACNetworkMIDI in unison much like the tutorial said. And then I used MIDI-OX and MolCpIII Midi Monitor in another setup.

How To Sync 2 Macs With Ableton 7

Can anyone help? With some specific stuff? Or at least ask me a question and I can tell you where I am? I'm pretty much unable to get everything to work well together, though I feel that I have a pretty good understanding of how this stuff works.
How To Sync 2 Macs With AbletonAlso... can audio be transmitted through LAN? Or am I going to have to figure that one out on my own??

Ableton 10 Mac

Thanks for your time!!